Glencoe Mill Village
Burlington, NC
This phased master plan for Preservation North Carolina involved restoration of a former mill village on the Haw River (National Register of Historic Places, 1979) for affordable housing and mixed-use commercial. Our master plan assisted in establishing a new framework based on the company town (c.1880-1950). It included a streetscape and lighting plan sensitive to the historic context of the community, and assistance with signage and wayfinding for visitors.
Burlington, NC
This phased master plan for Preservation North Carolina involved restoration of a former mill village on the Haw River (National Register of Historic Places, 1979) for affordable housing and mixed-use commercial. Our master plan assisted in establishing a new framework based on the company town (c.1880-1950). It included a streetscape and lighting plan sensitive to the historic context of the community, and assistance with signage and wayfinding for visitors.